Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's amazing what a good nights sleep can do

Yes - he is cute and yes he is mine


Our unusually long commercial break was
sponsored by the following.......

Lam.ictal - the mood-stabilizer that's not only
up & down but puts the "ache" in just about everything

Insomnia - Just when you thought it was
safe to slip under the covers for a few zzzzz's
Insomnia, your all night buddy shows up to party.

Aunt Flo - Helping the depressed chocolate and
carbohydrate industries get back on their feet as well
as ensuring every husband knows the right answer to
the monthly question...."Honey, do you think I am getting fat?"


It's been quite the week and it's only last night
that I was finally able to get a solid nights sleep.
Thank you sleepytime Gods.

I have been attempting to work my way through 
a boat load of crap lately.
I felt like paddling as fast I could but going no where fast
That's when I stopped to look - look at this body of mine
It became quite clear once I chose to look.

My shame-lined, low self-worth grimy,
near empty fuel tank.wasn't getting me very far.
 Not to mention that my warning lights 
signaling significant loss of emotional balance were 
rapidly blinking bright red.

...ummmm DUH!

Why is it that a part of me still feels as if my
"mental health" is secondary to my "physical health"?
Why, after all this time, education, and 
advocacy do I still feel surprised  and ashamed to admit that I 
had a depressive relapse? 

Yep....that's right....a depressive relapse.
See...there ...I said it!

The neurotransmitters in"this old brain" decided
to take a vacation without telling me or their best
buddies - the anti-depressant posse.

This episode, relapse or whatever
the heck it is, just happened to coincide with a 
number of really shitty life events.
*See previous posts for the insanity*
So basically, life in Boo land got really
hairy there for awhile.

I guess that's just the way it is sometimes.
You don't get to pick and choose the timing.
Life just happens.

So I have a little bit of my footing
back due to some much needed med changes, 
a lot of therapy and most importantly, 
an incredible support system. 
(you know who you are - THANK YOU)
Still have a tremendous amount of work to do
but trying to refuel a bit before I go there.

I know that I am a bit wobbly and fragile at the moment.
I also know that time has shown me that with the right tools, 
help and positive fuel,  I will be okay
I hope for that - I really do.

Will keep you posted 
Thanks to everyone for the kind words and support.


Monday, March 7, 2011

Emotional.....and that's okay.

There will be no witty, positive or upbeat
 writing today - don't have it in me.

Just completely and utterly done
at the moment.

Not to mention really and truly pissed!
It's probably more a combination of pissed,
angry, frustrated, disgusted and 
"Are you fucking kidding me Universe?"

I am so sick and tired of just ONE MORE THING

Finally have the transmission fixed on the truck
This is good

Our car's exhaust starts immediately having issues
This is bad

We have the truck back, so the car can get checked out
This is good

Hubby starts having issues with new tranny on way to work
This bad

Car's exhaust definitely has problem- dropped off at mechanic
This is bad

Hubby advised to bring truck back to mechanic as 
replaced tranny is probably no good
This is really bad

Current work transportation issue is uncertain for both of us
 This is really bad

I want a break!
I want to have day-to-day boring
I want to go more than a week or month without 
something or someone falling apart.
I want things that get fixed to stay fixed and work.

And you know what?
(Big surprise here)
Underneath it all, I am full of emotional turmoil
that has little to do with cars.


I got the go ahead to start birth control to help
level out my hormones and ease the PMDD.
It would be an adjunct to the shrinky dink meds
and would hopefully make things work even better

It's something I talked to doc about quite awhile ago.
She actually gave me the samples which have been
sitting in the fridge for about 5 months now.
She said that whenever my meds were adjusted
and mostly importantly 
-whenever I was ready 
to just go ahead and start.
This is my month.

I know in my mind that there is absolutely no
downside to starting and most probably much benefit.
I know that it's a necessary step for my overall greater health
I know that nothing has changed in the "child" dept decision.
I also know it's another step in my coming to terms journey
living childless not by choice.

Oh......but theres that stupid know the one?
The gap that forms when your head is telling you one
very logical, reasonable thing and your heart 
just doesn't feel it.

That gap is there - big time
So yeah....this is hard & it hurts.
Rational or not - this just hurts.

And yes - 
I am still pissed, angry,frustrated and disgusted too.


Friday, March 4, 2011

My Crayola crayon 64 box or life lessons in art class

Long and involved story ahead

I was thinking about my school years the other day.
I remember how much excitement came with
getting my brand new school supplies each year.
There was, however something in those supplies that 
I always seemed to look forward to, just a bit more 
than all the others......

It was the
64 pack of Crayola crayons.

I know .....right?
It was OH so beautiful.....that crisp shiny box.
The bright display of crayons on the front, 
including any new colors for that year.
Oh...and the joy of turning the box around just
to make sure that the crayon sharpener
was really still there (and it always was)

I loved the feeling I got when I would finally 
break down and open my box.
These brand new untouched crayons would stand there before me.
All of this fantastical array of color just sitting there
Waiting for me. 

The potential that my box of crayons had
seemed absolutely limitless.
Oh the choices!
 All I had to do was pick one single crayon,
and start coloring.

I could color and create something usual.
I could color and create something unexpected.
I could color and create something beautiful.
I could even color and create something very ugly

I could create anything I wanted with that box of crayons.
It was really was so simple

And eventually I would open that new box of crayons.
I would use those crayons in earnest with all my creations.
Coloring what I felt to be masterpieces at the time.
Then something would happen - the year would move 
forward and my box would begin to slowly change.

Some of the crayons I would use & sharpen
so often, that there was little left.
Some of the crayons, I never took out of the box.
Some of the crayons, were in pieces barely
able to be taken out of the box at all.

Every year the breakdown  was different,
but I always ended up with the same thing......
A torn, haggard box that was barely holding together.
A box that when I opened it, always appeared so
worn and used up

It was always around that time, I remember thinking a few things:
I remember thinking my haggard old crayon box was still special
 I knew that it helped me create, what I am sure I believed to be
 incredible works of art.
I knew that each time I chose a crayon,  it was with
much intent and great expectation.
I knew that sometimes the crayons I did end up choosing,
just did not work out.
I knew I would always get a chance to start again, and star over
with next years box.


Although I am not sure these are analogies.(crap - just realized that)
I do believe there is much wisdom in those boxes.

That even though I am currently worn, haggard and feeling completely
used up,  that the journey getting here created 
some incredible things along the way.
That although I'm a bit broken and feeling in general disarray, 
I am still me after all.....(lots of good stuff inside)
 That as long as I am willing to do the work and want to,
I can always start over at any time and create a new path.

So I guess all I need now is a new box of crayons....
Whadda ya think?

(crayon color)

Monday, February 28, 2011

That's enough fruit for now - Thank you! - Lemons Pt. II







1. I don't throw lemons (or any objects) very well
2. Squeezing lemons with winter dry cracked hands really stings
3. Lemonade is much easier made with the mix
4. I don't know how to make lemon bars - but they look good
5. Lemons don't really talk - but they are great listeners
6. Life has one really unhealthy obsession with citrus fruit
that just cannot be fixed or changed - it is what it is!


Time for sharing
Don't you hate it when:

you are up all night because of a thunderstorm,  
and your cats are walking all over
your face because they are nervous
and when you do finally get up in the morning,
you find a pile of cat vomit on the hallway floor,
which you promptly clean up.

Then you go strip all the bedding off your old mattress,
in preparation for the new mattress being delivered,
only to find that while you were quickly take your morning pills, 
that the cat went & vomited on the now old stripped mattress.
Which you promptly clean up again.
Then you see that the humidifier is extremely low
so you take off the top compartment to fill it up,
and when going to place it back on the base, spill half of the water
everywhere because you apparently did not tighten 
the opening valve well enough.
Which you promptly clean up.

And just to get this off my chest because
in all honesty, THIS is probably why I am
not handling this morning's stuff a bit better........

Could SOMEONE - ANYONE, please explain to me
why - oh why the furniture companies / dept. stores out there
think that the ONLY people in the entire freakin' universe
that might actually want a glider rocker chair / ottoman combo
are pregnant women or new moms?

I ask this because hubby and I have been building 
a small room upstairs for me, as, up until this point,
I did not have a place of my own- which I found I really needed.
In any case,  I wanted to make it a room where I could read,
crochet, write, talk in private, just be alone or relax.
As a result, I knew that I would be needing seating.
A recliner chair was too big/cumbersome for that space,
and all the other decorative chairs I saw just didn't seem right.
Then I thought of a rocking chair, which made me think how nice
having a matching ottoman would be with the rocker. that is how I came to the glider/rocker ottoman idea.

Making a long story shorter....a few hours on the internet later
I came to the following conclusions:

If you are looking for a glider/rocker ottoman set that is
 not a piece of crap, looks decent, and yet
is still somewhat affordable
(which is code for cheap after paying for transmission)
 expect the following things:

A.Doing a google search for glider/rocker ottoman combo
or some combination thereof will most often direct you to
a massive number or baby/parenting/child sites - BEWARE

B. Most of the good affordable sets will be found in the 
"BABY" furniture section of the top leading dept. stores

C. Sometimes even if they are not in the "BABY" section
of the store, they come with great Manufacturer names
Such as  "StorkC.raft" ,  "Baby" or "StarB.right"

Hey.....Dept. stores & furniture companies....thanks for 
that unexpected infertile childless punch in the gut.

It's always the unexpected ones that hurt the most!

Now I know that since last post's overtone was one of
turning the negatives around, and I just bitched
up a good little storm above - I will share this:
The spasticat is just fine - she just ingested a bit of the
  building materials from the room upstairs (dust, bits of paper, etc)

The old mattress is leaving today a bit more stained mind you -
and the new one arrives - woohoo!

Once new mattress arrives,  I will be able to take a nap
and catch up on the lost sleep from last night

The humidifier works still and all objects around it 
are fine despite being a bit damp.

and lastly..................

I was able to pick out a glider/rocker & ottoman set 
DESPITE the fact it had the word "BABY" on it.


Fragile definitely!


Friday, February 25, 2011

And you thought YOU had it bad.........


Okay - you can say really....
It won't hurt my feelings..
This blog has been a REAL BUMMER lately.
Well in truth - I would describe it more like this.......
 I think you get the point.


I realized something last night though:

I was sick of reading my own blog.
YEP - you read that correctly.
I am just tired of the negativity being typed
by these fingers and being put out in the universe.

Now I know that some of that negativity is a direct result
of the change in my"shrinky dink" meds.


I realized that although there is a
tremendous amount of crap going on & 
happening in my life currently.......



So here is my best attempt at turning some of that around.
Please bear with me - I am trying REALLY hard:

Turning 40 yrs. old = well shit....I actually made it!
Struggling with A.D.D & work = improved communication with boss
Monthly mother nature hormones = not in menopause yet....whew!
Suck Ass Cold and Snow = appreciation for escapes to warm destinations
Horrible king mattress = chance for us each to pick out our own twin mattress
Ceiling fan/light broken in bedroom = new updated fixtures coming up
Transmission goes on truck = thanks for 2 vehicles, parents & friends to help fix it
Mental Illness flair up = New & better communication with everyone
 Intense emotional state = chance to really "feel" and "be" right where I am
Med change/titration = opportunity to be diagnosed & treated correctly
Childless not by choice = freedom to pursue new avenues & life journey
Rough life review = chance to learn who I really am and want to be


I have a roof over my head, a good job, the best
husband I could ever ask for, an incredibly
loving family, awesome support system, money to get by, 
  a few phenomenal day to day friends AND
some new wonderful online bloggy friends.
Not bad.....Not too bad at all!!! 
P.S. Universe....please help me remember this - Thanks


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I hate vacation pics: A.K.A - My brain has been a bad hostess lately....

This pic would be so scary if you were actually able to see 
everything that was going on in my brain
No would be something to behold.
 I don't think even I would want to look inside to be honest.

Wait a minute...I couldn't do that anyway....that's just silly......
well maybe I could..... If I carefully detached my head......nahhh......
that would just not be practical...I'd probably 
lose it, break it or forget how to put it back on..........


So here is the lo-down


What to say - what to say...Let's sum it up.
The good, the bad and the ugly

It was incredible to be away from the 
piss-poor sub-zero weather of NE Ohio
Thank you Florida Keys for the beautiful sunsets

I got to spend some quality time with
the parents and my Bear
They is ...."Good Peoples"!!!

I was able to do some great fishing and 
was even able to catch "that one frickin' shark" 
(the one that got away our first trip out)

Bear picked out & bought me a KICK-ASS
designer brand name purse for my birthday gift.
(rhymes with MOACH - boo-yah!!!)
as well as one totally cool flying monkey
that was demonstrated in-store.

Crappy timing in several ways:

Mother nature arrived with what looked like a moving truck

Left work short-handed at a really really bad time

Shrinky Dink meds still in change up mode and overall
mood/anxiety on the rise.

Upon said arrival at vacation spot -
Hit with massive wave of intense mixed emotions-
grief, sadness, and frustration over:.........

our childlessness, the friend who lost her pregnancy, 
turning 40 and consequent life review, the 
"unsure" shrinky dink diagnosis yet again, the new med combo &
titration that sucks lemons,  and oh yeah, did I happen to mention the 
hormones from hell?
This is all while trying avidly to get family, friends, and
loved ones to understand something new about the
person they see in front of them
this wife, daughter, sister, niece, friend, etc -
the one that they don't recognize because of all the emotions

It's not JUST the med change
It's not JUST the childlessness,
It's not JUST the friend's loss
It's not JUST the frickin' situational crap
It's not JUST the mid-life crisis bull-shit
It's not JUST the A.D.D. or this years shrinky dink's diagnosis

Though you may think it is, 
It's not JUST one thing - it's not JUST all the things
Here's the catch.....You won't know what IT is until:
 you do the brave thing, the uncomfortable thing, that thing you don't want to do.

Talk to me - ask me - tell me you don't know what to say

I've already heard all the stupid comments - trust me on that
It won't make it worse - It's already pretty shitty
I won't shatter into pieces - I'm pretty cracked already
Then I will know you are there....and that you do care.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

A thank you and eloquent gesture of sorts......

This is 40th birthday monkey

Guess what 40th birthday monkey said today.......

wait for it

wait for it
He said
despite everything and in the end

"I'm still here B*tches"

*Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes*
I survived ya'll - no really, I did!!!!


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Big pink manatee in my room: A.K.A.- Infertility vs. Mental Illness

Just some random thoughts about 
Infertility, and Mental Illness


  • Both are chronic physiological diseases
  • Both may be treatable but are not curable
  • Both may have positive or negative outcomes in treatment
  • Both affect nearly everything in your daily life
  • Both affect your daily decision making processes
  • Both have huge negative social stigma's attached
  • Both confuse, frighten and embarrass friends & family
  • Both confuse, frighten and embarrass you
  • Both are often suffered horribly in silence
  • Both need so very much to be talked about
  • Both continue to NOT be talked about much
  • Both diseases are sorely misunderstood
  • Both desperately need more education
  • Both can strip a person of their identity 
  • Both almost always strip away your dignity
  • Both may drag you in to a point where you lose yourself
  • Both can and will make you second guess yourself
  • Both can and will make you second guess your loved ones
  • Both have destroyed viable, loving relationships 
  • Both can and have destroyed life-long dreams
  • Both were suffered by people you once knew
  • Both are being suffered by people you know right now 
  • Both are being suffered daily by those you love most           
  • Both may be suffered by you
  • Both are suffered by me

Suffering from these diseases is NOT the most difficult experience of my life

The most difficult & current painful experience of my life is this:
choosing to continue to live, learn, love, and move forward
all of the above.



The "Manatee or Sea Cow"
(my gentle giant - you are so beautiful!)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Vacation memories: A.K.A.- A bad case of the crabs

Hidden sunset-Keys 2011


For those of you who actually managed
to stomach reading my last post -
I say "Bravo" to you.
It was a bit on the "raw" side to say the least.
(inner voice says....."you think? while rolling her eyes)

I am however, not going to apologize for that mostly 
because, I really needed to get it out of my system 

In any case I did want to say this....
I am honestly doing my very best in finding some
enjoyment on this vacation.
It may not seem that way but I really am.
I do appreciate the fact that I have the
opportunity to be in a warm & beautiful 
environment instead of the snow & cold.
I do appreciate having the opportunity
to spend some time with my parents
I do appreciate that I get to spend some
alone time with my husband.

It's just that even those things seem 
fairly lackluster in my current state of mind.
I hate that - I really do.
I want to have better control over my 
feelings right now. I just don't.
I want so much to be in a better place - 
a better mindset so that I could really take
it all in - truly enjoy the moment.  I just 
can't seem to get there.


The other day when we were out fishing,
my father remarked how much he loved
watching "his two girls" fishing (mom & I)
He start reminiscing about our family vacations
in The Outer Banks and about how much
fun we had all had.

I thought back fondly of those vacations

I remembered my parents spending many
patient and wonderful hours showing us how to fish.
Everything from cutting up frozen squid bait, to
actually baiting the hook.  Learning the perfect cast, and
getting the fish off the hook once we caught them.

I remembered them also showing us how to go crabbing.
From finding just the perfect spot, to tying twine around
a chicken neck to use as bait., Showing us
how slow you had to go when bringing the crabs
up and knowing exactly when to net them.

I remembered them taking us out on the
sand dunes so that we could watch the hang gliders and
learn to fly some of the new kites they bought us each year.

I remembered desperately hanging on to my father
  each time I went in the ocean. He called it "the crab hold"
because I was convinced I would be bitten by a crab if my 
feet touched the bottom. Every year he would reiterate that
it was safe this year to touch down. It was a long battle until I did.
Obviously my issues go way back!

I remembered all of these wonderful memories on
these vacations that we spent together.
Together as a family.

Then it hit was the time we spent as a family.
The memories of my parents passing down all 
of these special activities and moments.
Passing them on to their children.
Here I am again -dead on faced with the fact that 
I will not be passing these same things on.
At least not to any children of our own.
That knowledge just breaks my heart.
It also hurts - just really really hurts. 


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Better late than never: A.K.A. - a shark by any other name

Our Balcony sunset in the Florida Keys 2011


First off, I apologize for the lack of posting.
Bear and I are on a planned "vacation" at the moment
See above pic 

In the midst of all the insanity and shit going on in my life,  
I forgot to share that we were headed away to the Florida Keys.
As a result,  this may be a long post

Now before I start getting all these snarky comments - especially
from those of you stuck in the shit-hole-snow-vortex zones
about how...."lucky we are" and how it "must be nice to be you"

Let me just say this about the trip:
When said trip was planned, (quite awhile ago)
  we (meaning I) were most definitely in a better place.
Circumstances were certainly a bit more steady.
It was planned to be a brief break from the weather,
a time to visit with my parents, and hopefully a
  place where we could recharge our "inner batteries"
Sounds great in theory right?

ahhhh....but here comes the "proverbial catch"

I am sure you know that trying to plan, organize, pack,
make arrangements for, and yes even travel on a trip
is stressful enough when you are at your best.

It almost goes without saying that:
I am NOT........let me repeat.........NOT even remotely close
to my best right now, nor have I been for awhile.

Just for giggles let's review my mindset prior & up to this trip:
Dealing with a Buttload of situational work stress
Still in the midst of grieving the CNBC situation
Find out friend must suffer through a late term loss due to medical issue
Try to deal with guilt in not being able to help above friend
Start working through painful old shit in therapy (fill-in-the-blank issues)
Tapered off- number whatever-the-the-fuck-it-is now anti-depressant
(which by the way, sucks in ways I cannot begin to explain)
Start yet another med in hopes that shrinky dink's new diagnosis is correct
Plan, organize, pack, and make arrangements for vacation.
Head out on hellish snow covered roads to travel to our hotel
Narrowly miss getting hit by skidding out-of-control car along the way
Watch/hear skidding car get hit seconds later by another vehicle
Try and not completely freak out while still giving directions to hubby
Arrive at hotel for overnight stay prior to next day departure only to find that
good ole' mother nature stayed right on schedule AND...why hello there period.
Desperately try to juggle/sort out which emotional outbursts are related to
A. meds
B. situational anxiety
 C. Depression
D. hormones
E. All of the above

I hope the picture is clearer as to why I was and
am still fairly ambivalent about being here.

Despite the weather being great, the wonderful people,
the activities being limitless, and the scenery being stunning.....

No apologies or qualifying
I STILL feel pretty fucking miserable.
It's just how I feel.

Let me wrap up this sunshine filled post by sharing 
something that  illustrates my mindset as of late:

This afternoon,  we all went out to do some fishing. 
Pretty much your run-of-the-mill basic fishing trip.
We did some fairly good fishing - catching many blowfish, a few 
yellowtail, & a couple of snapper.
Mom seemed to be the fisherperson of the day with her
repeated catches of small sharks. Pretty cool.

Then right at the end of the afternoon,  I managed to hook
myself one heck of a shark.  It was a big one which
managed to take out my line as fast as I could try and reel it in.
I battled to bring in that shark for well over 15 minutes.
I would reel and make some gain, then he would take my line out again
I fought and fought with all the determination I had.
Everyone on the boat did what they could to help as well.
It really seemed that I might actually be able to 
get this shark in close enough to net him.
And for just a moment, I believed I would be able to get this one.
Then it happened - the line went loose.
I knew he had snapped it - he had gotten away.

In fishing this kind of thing happens all the time.
Somehow this situation just seemed the perfect metaphor for my life -
And in particular my journey with infertility and childlessness.

I honestly don't have the energy tonight to explain all the
psychological cross references I garnered from this experience 
Trust me when I say that they are there.
You will just have to figure it out yourself
I am quite confident you can do it.

P.S. - if you want to see vacation pics just click here:


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Just a simple post with many wishes

Although I know she won't read this, I needed to write it anyway.

To my special friend,

I am so very sorry for your profound loss - just utterly and deeply sorry.
Those words seem so insignificant -cliche and yet, I really do mean them.

I so wish in my heart that things had not turned out the way they did.

I so wish that I could have done or said something along the way to 
possibly help alter the outcome.
I so wish I could have been the friend who you needed to call,
when you were given the options
I so wish I could have been the friend who you needed to call
when the worst possible decision had to be made.
I so wish I could take away your pain, sadness, anger.
I so wish that after it all, you knew you could have depended on 
me for support without my emotions getting in the way or making it worse.

I so wish I had the right words....I so wish I were stronger.
And yet right now it seems, I can't,  I don't......and I am not.

I hope you received and continue to receive all that you need and more to sustain you.
I hope all your wonderful friends & family surround you with love & strength.

I may not be there right at the moment....I may not be there right away
 but I do assure you that eventually, in time I will be there - I will.
In the meantime...........
I just wanted you to know how much I really do care.

***To all my blog readers***
I am respecting anonymity for this friend due to the nature of her loss.
Please forgive the cryptic nature in some of the writing.
Also , I know she would love any added well wishes
so please feel free to comment.
If you do know who this post is written about, I do ask
that you also respect her privacy and anonymity as well.
Thank you

Friday, January 28, 2011

Come out come out whoever you are OR my empty closet

My closet is empty at the moment.
 And by closet I mean me- but I'm sure as wise
 as you all are,  that you already picked that up.

I know that I promised some great updates after
my last post - and truly all my intentions were to follow 
through on that, however things just didn't pan out 
that way.

Let me try and give you an idea what happened to all 
of the emotional crap that came tumbling out of my
so called "psyche closet" earlier this week.

For the moment it's all bagged and boxed up with some
temporary shitty -ass labels because I didn't have time for the good ones.
It is neatly- oh so very neatly
(because God forbid things looked messy)
  stacked up along my periphery.
All thanks to my work life and current job atmosphere
(just in case my subtlety was lost on you there)
 Not by choice at I assure you - but your job has a 
 way of doing that to you sometimes.
 (and by sometimes, I mean every fucking moment)
(no really - every fucking work moment from 7:45am-5pm)
Gotta love work sometimes
resentful much?
 But I digress.....

So I am left looking at all my shit just sitting there and 
and then inwardly feeling just empty.
It's an Emptiness on a few levels.

Empty of emotion at the moment (probably the meds)
Empty of the things that once (long ago) gave me happiness
Empty of who I am and for that matter who I was
Empty of the direction I should take on this life journey
But right now - at this moment
I am feeling the most of THIS kind of empty

The childless, barren infertile kind of empty
None of these in my closet.
