Friday, March 4, 2011

My Crayola crayon 64 box or life lessons in art class

Long and involved story ahead

I was thinking about my school years the other day.
I remember how much excitement came with
getting my brand new school supplies each year.
There was, however something in those supplies that 
I always seemed to look forward to, just a bit more 
than all the others......

It was the
64 pack of Crayola crayons.

I know .....right?
It was OH so beautiful.....that crisp shiny box.
The bright display of crayons on the front, 
including any new colors for that year.
Oh...and the joy of turning the box around just
to make sure that the crayon sharpener
was really still there (and it always was)

I loved the feeling I got when I would finally 
break down and open my box.
These brand new untouched crayons would stand there before me.
All of this fantastical array of color just sitting there
Waiting for me. 

The potential that my box of crayons had
seemed absolutely limitless.
Oh the choices!
 All I had to do was pick one single crayon,
and start coloring.

I could color and create something usual.
I could color and create something unexpected.
I could color and create something beautiful.
I could even color and create something very ugly

I could create anything I wanted with that box of crayons.
It was really was so simple

And eventually I would open that new box of crayons.
I would use those crayons in earnest with all my creations.
Coloring what I felt to be masterpieces at the time.
Then something would happen - the year would move 
forward and my box would begin to slowly change.

Some of the crayons I would use & sharpen
so often, that there was little left.
Some of the crayons, I never took out of the box.
Some of the crayons, were in pieces barely
able to be taken out of the box at all.

Every year the breakdown  was different,
but I always ended up with the same thing......
A torn, haggard box that was barely holding together.
A box that when I opened it, always appeared so
worn and used up

It was always around that time, I remember thinking a few things:
I remember thinking my haggard old crayon box was still special
 I knew that it helped me create, what I am sure I believed to be
 incredible works of art.
I knew that each time I chose a crayon,  it was with
much intent and great expectation.
I knew that sometimes the crayons I did end up choosing,
just did not work out.
I knew I would always get a chance to start again, and star over
with next years box.


Although I am not sure these are analogies.(crap - just realized that)
I do believe there is much wisdom in those boxes.

That even though I am currently worn, haggard and feeling completely
used up,  that the journey getting here created 
some incredible things along the way.
That although I'm a bit broken and feeling in general disarray, 
I am still me after all.....(lots of good stuff inside)
 That as long as I am willing to do the work and want to,
I can always start over at any time and create a new path.

So I guess all I need now is a new box of crayons....
Whadda ya think?

(crayon color)

1 comment:

  1. AMEN
    I am so with you on this one-
    what a wonderfully brave and insightful, and, dare I say, positive post!
    remember to reread this when you're feeling lost. there is so much wisdom here.
