Thursday, January 20, 2011

Here Sleepy Sleep - A.K.A. - who am I again?

Oh sleep, wherefore art thou sleep?
I so have missed you in your quiet, soft warmth
Lulling me gently away from all the days woes
Into my land of soft cuddly bunnies, and fairy princesses.....wait a minute
W T F?

Oh Shit - wrong person's dream again -
Barging into someone else's dream - so not cool 
Must have ended up there while trying to catch a few zzzzzz's
This insomnia/restlessness crap sucks
The whole changing meds things is screwing with everything that is me

No sleep is for the birds
What the heck does that mean anyway - it's for the birds?
I never did quite understand that saying......
And before some smartass out there decides to send me an answer....
Keep in mind I am sleep-deprived and medicationally challenged
You DON.T want to go there  -  Trust

I had such great intentions of writing about some 
stellar insight that followed my last post BUT then sleep bailed on me
That stupid bitch!

Will try and catch ya'll with the uber-epiphany post next time
PROMISE - Girl Scout's Honor (yes-Virginia, I too was a girl scout)


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