My closet is empty at the moment.
And by closet I mean me- but I'm sure as wise
as you all are, that you already picked that up.
I know that I promised some great updates after
my last post - and truly all my intentions were to follow
through on that, however things just didn't pan out
that way.
Let me try and give you an idea what happened to all
of the emotional crap that came tumbling out of my
so called "psyche closet" earlier this week.
For the moment it's all bagged and boxed up with some
temporary shitty -ass labels because I didn't have time for the good ones.
It is neatly- oh so very neatly
(because God forbid things looked messy)
stacked up along my periphery.
All thanks to my work life and current job atmosphere
(just in case my subtlety was lost on you there)
Not by choice at I assure you - but your job has a
way of doing that to you sometimes.
(and by sometimes, I mean every fucking moment)
(no really - every fucking work moment from 7:45am-5pm)
Gotta love work sometimes
resentful much?
But I digress.....
So I am left looking at all my shit just sitting there and
and then inwardly feeling just empty.
It's an Emptiness on a few levels.
Empty of emotion at the moment (probably the meds)
Empty of the things that once (long ago) gave me happiness
Empty of who I am and for that matter who I was
Empty of the direction I should take on this life journey
But right now - at this moment
I am feeling the most of THIS kind of empty
The childless, barren infertile kind of empty
None of these in my closet.
I'm sorry you're feeling empty. But I hope knowing that you're not alone, and that your closet will fill up (just with different things), will help you through.