Friday, February 25, 2011

And you thought YOU had it bad.........


Okay - you can say really....
It won't hurt my feelings..
This blog has been a REAL BUMMER lately.
Well in truth - I would describe it more like this.......
 I think you get the point.


I realized something last night though:

I was sick of reading my own blog.
YEP - you read that correctly.
I am just tired of the negativity being typed
by these fingers and being put out in the universe.

Now I know that some of that negativity is a direct result
of the change in my"shrinky dink" meds.


I realized that although there is a
tremendous amount of crap going on & 
happening in my life currently.......



So here is my best attempt at turning some of that around.
Please bear with me - I am trying REALLY hard:

Turning 40 yrs. old = well shit....I actually made it!
Struggling with A.D.D & work = improved communication with boss
Monthly mother nature hormones = not in menopause yet....whew!
Suck Ass Cold and Snow = appreciation for escapes to warm destinations
Horrible king mattress = chance for us each to pick out our own twin mattress
Ceiling fan/light broken in bedroom = new updated fixtures coming up
Transmission goes on truck = thanks for 2 vehicles, parents & friends to help fix it
Mental Illness flair up = New & better communication with everyone
 Intense emotional state = chance to really "feel" and "be" right where I am
Med change/titration = opportunity to be diagnosed & treated correctly
Childless not by choice = freedom to pursue new avenues & life journey
Rough life review = chance to learn who I really am and want to be


I have a roof over my head, a good job, the best
husband I could ever ask for, an incredibly
loving family, awesome support system, money to get by, 
  a few phenomenal day to day friends AND
some new wonderful online bloggy friends.
Not bad.....Not too bad at all!!! 
P.S. Universe....please help me remember this - Thanks



  1. That is inspirational. Sometimes, hard though it is, we have to spin the positive. Thank you for that reminder.

  2. Great attitude. It's really hard to find the good in a bad situation, but it does make sense to try and find it even if you have to dig deep... better to spend your energy looking for happy than dwelling on the sad.
    (and I say this as a major negative nelly myself) :)
