Wednesday, October 15, 2014

"Winter is coming....winter is coming!!" ( or "OUCH- everything hurts")

It's that time of year again:

The time of year when the body sends the brain the following URGENT email:
TO: C.E.O.- Brain Central (
CC: Thoughts & Decisions Division Chief (pissORgetOFFthepot,,
Emotion regulation Division Chief (,
Conflict resolution Division Chief ( )
FROM: C.E.O. - Body Central (HeadShouldersKnees&

SUBJECT: Seasonal Function Dysregulation Issues & system crashes D/T Inclement Weather Patterns

It has come to our attention that The Body (in all divisions) has recently begun to experience many problems. These problems are ranging from sluggish performance, system freezes, overheating, & the occasional acquired minor program virus, to problems as severe as total body viruses causing complete Divisional shutdowns & irreparable destruction as a result. 

It has also been brought to our attention that this set of problems has been noted (after much study) to trouble The Body at this time of year, with the onset of significant inclement weather changes most notably being the dropping temperature.

 Due to the seasonal nature and continued frequency of this set of issues, The Body is kindly asking that The Brain to re-visit this problem and to consider a long term solution that would benefit everyone involved.

We believe it is possible for The Body and The Brain to work together to overcome this problem and to find an environment that will be mutually beneficial for the whole. (As an example, recent literature suggests that places such as Florida, offer this type of highly functional environment) 

It is our hope that with the cooperation of the whole - Overall performance and function will improve and be restored. 

Thank you for your time and cooperation in this matter. 

The Body
CC: Mother Nature, Dr. Smiley, Hubby, Family & friends

P.S. - This whole post can be summed up by asking the following question:
"Why the Fuck do we live in N.E. Ohio again? FLORIDA...move to FLORIDA" 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

AIS and Doing my doody......

I'm back - finally...

First things first:
 For the sake of not continually repeating myself and driving everyone batshit crazy with the length of my ramblings, I will furthermore be using this abbreviation: 
  AIS- or autoimmune shit  
when making reference to any of my disease boogies
The last week has quickly helped me realize that my old days of blogging daily, or even multiple times in a day are something of the past.  I guess in my mind when I picked back up in writing again, I thought that I would be able to take my inspiration-filled mind and go to town.
I figured that since I have not been working, I would certainly have the time and energy to write without giving it a thought. I mean after all its just writing...right?

And yet - here it is a week later and I finally got back here.

I then had to have the following inner conversation between my brain and body:
(This is a conversation I have had frequently over the last two years)
(and brain and body DO talk to one another)

BRAIN"Hey there Body - whats movin' and shakin'?"
BODY: "Not much lately Brain - whats floating around in your neck of the woods?"
BRAIN: "Oh - let me tell you: I am just full of great thoughts, musing, silliness & I am overflowing with ideas. I am so ready to start daily writing just like in the old days so that I can share some of this awesomeness!"
BODY: "Wow- Wish I had some of that kind of energy- but I have to tell you, this AIS is kickin my butt (figuratively speaking that is-LOL) This Bod isn't what it used to be."
"The swollen hands &fingers, the aching, stiff, immovable joints, the chills, fevers & infections,the overwhelming fatigue & constant chronic pain just to name a few."
BRAIN: "Oh shit - thats right- The RA, UCTD, etc.- THE AIS.  I always seem to forget about that stuff." "Although I guess if I really think about it, some of that forgetting has to do with the AIS"
BODY: "Yeah, now that you mention it, I remember that the AIS affects you too. All that fogginess, forgetfulness, anxiety & depression. That has to be pretty hard huh?"
BRAIN: "It is hard and try adding in keeping track of all those doctors, doc appts, medications, med/surg histories, etc. it can get crazy up in this place".
 "Even with all that, I guess I try and keep all of my idea awesomeness available and ready so that when we both find the energy, time and inspiration- its game on!" 
BODY: "Oh yeah now I remember - thats kind of what I do too."  "I try and plan to do the most physical activity when the AIS is being held at bay and the body parts are most rested, able & cooperative." "I guess it would be a day like today"
BRAIN: "Body, we are so dense." "Now I remember why we are having this conversation yet again......keeping realistic daily expectations, goal-setting, blah, blah blah..."
BODY: "Yep- its all coming back to me now too - balance, mindfulness, blah blah blah..." 
"Brain, Keep in mind one thing though(in mind-hehehe) - you ARE the one who is supposed to remember all this after all"
BRAIN:" Don't start with me Body...." 

And then they lived HAPPILY ever after....(ever after = for today)

So there you have it....and with no segue whatsoever, let me share my morning.

 My Lil adorable fur ball of cuteness A.K.A- Julius, wins the stinker shit head dumbass award this morning!

He found ( took out of the trash can) one of these plastic spider rings that I had thrown out.

When I saw him playing with it I quickly told him no & got up to take it from which time he decided to take off running away with it. Before I could catch him or even get the chance to take it from him......
Yep- you guessed it...that lil shit swallowed it. The whole thing!
We get to "monitor" his ahem....daily habits for the next week or so. And by we, I mean me.

I am so looking forward to "poo doody".
(See what I did
Just another day in paradise.....