To all my Jewish friends, Family and acquaintances:
L'Shanah Tova (0r Happy New Year)
(To all my non-Jewish friends who would like to participate- feel free if the mood strikes!)
Tonight happens to be the start of the
Jewish New Year -Rosh Hashanah
One of the traditions that Jewish families around the world will participate in today and tomorrow will be the dipping of apple slices into honey
This tradition is meant to ensure that those who participate in sharing the apples & honey on this holiday, will be blessed with a sweet, happy & healthy upcoming year.
Its something that is meant to be shared with those around you that are special and whom you love.
I really happen to love doing this each year because, for me, its a reminder of new possibilities, hope, & sweetness in the most simple of actions.
It is something that is perfect in its timing this year for me because as things stand in my life right now, (physically, emotional, & spiritually) I know I really needed a positive reminder that circumstances CAN change.
They can not only change from year to year but day to day and moment to moment.
In trying to keep the whole of myself, more in the" sweets moments" -it has taken much practice.
I have had to work on finding things that bring me to those places of purpose, hope and sweetness.
Today I shared one of those moments with my non-Jewish hubby on the phone-
Long story short, he used a Yiddish term (shpilkes) appropriately and perfectly while discussing a friend. It stopped me in my tracks as we talked and I burst out into some full-on belly laughter.
It reminded me that not a day goes by without my hubby making me laugh - and as such, I realized no matter how physically or emotionally sick I am, I will always have laughter in my life.
It was a really "sweet moment"
It was a really "sweet moment"
Yesterday I shared an afternoon full of "sweets moments" with mom-just having an "all-out girl day" .
We spent the afternoon together- had lunch, went shopping and I even had my
We spent the afternoon together- had lunch, went shopping and I even had my
September (Grape Jamboree) Hair done
As my autoimmune issues have gotten worse over the last 2 years, even spending a day doing these kinds of things , has become increasingly harder and highly energy depleting.
Being able to take advantage of one of my better days in order to do this with Mom was so special.
It reminded me that I may just have to look a little harder to find those
"sweets moments" and take advantage of them when they are here.
I would also like to thank RA GUY (love his blog - seriously go read his stuff)
for his simple yet wonderful post I saw on his Facebook feed.
It reminded me that the power of music in and of itself, brings its own sweetness in the most unexpected times and most beautiful ways.
This is Rob Thomas singing the acoustic version of "Her Diamonds" which,
he wrote for his wife, Marisol Maldonado Thomas.
She suffers from a rare Lupus-like autoimmune disease.
Definitely Sweet!